New Patient Info
Information for all Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage Patients in our Perth CBD practice.
Arrive Early: Please arrive 5-7 minutes before your first consultation to fill out a new patient form.
Notify Reception: When you arrive report to the receptionist at the front desk.
After Your Treatment Session:
In order to maximise the results of your treatment consider doing the following:
– Keep hydrated
– Keep your muscles warm and keep moving
– Avoid heavy/excessive exercise after treatment
– Keep supported during sleep
– Be a participant in your rehabilitation program
– Give yourself time to heal
– Keep your appointments (a 4 hour cancellation policy applies for all appointments)
For further information please download the Post Treatment Handout

To book an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists, Chiropractors or Remedial Massage Therapists contact Bodysmart on (09) 9481 8708. Alternately book online today
- Supportive ergonomic pillows and therapeutic aids
- Assistive supplements such as Fish Oil and Magnesium
- Pilates and core strengthening classes
- Ergonomic Assessment for your workstation
- Corporate health programs such as Manual Handling Training